Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Gospel According to Miri

I was recently backed in to a strictly religious corner. I come from very religious roots. Roots which I have gone far, far away from. For years I have blazed my own trail in sense of religion. I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't steal... I apologize for my mistakes and I always try to treat others with the kindness I would like to be treated. When this doesn't work out I make amends. Just as I forgive, I like to be forgiven as well. I digress... No, I will not go to church. No, I will not pray in specifics about your church. No I will not read your religion manuals and no, I do not worry my soul is damned to hell.
Don't lie. Don't cheat. Don't steal. Period. If you cant accept someones religion, maybe you shouldn't get in a conversation with those of other faiths. Because chances are, they do not share your opinion.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

For What It's Worth

And education can be recieved in more ways than just Universities. Quite often I see many collgege graduates wandering around like highschool freshman, only they have cars, and can drink. Legally. Often times, these "graduates" get paid more for their occupation, even though someone without a college degree can perform better. I absolutely believe that an education is important. So important, in fact, that it should never stop. One should never stop learning from lessons, listening to friends, co workers, relatives, and taking in as much information and multi colored opinions as possible. Travel. Learn how to say "Hello" in ten different languages! (This, I can do) Learning about other religions doesnt mean you have to convert your beliefs, but it might come in handy should you work beside a Latter Day Saint, a Catholic, a Jew... Learn about people. Learn about living. Learn how to fix your own car. (Lets face it girls) Not ALL men know how to change the oil or change a flat tire. Take cooking classes, host an ethnic night at serve dinners from all over the world. Even if they turn out horrible, trust me, very rarely you will have a person in your home who flat out regects your cooking, even if the Japanese food isnt just like they make it in Tokyo.

I do think that going to school is important. I wish I payed more attention in high school, but Im very glad I didnt attend University. Yes, I nearly have my bachelors degree now, but from about five different schools, colleges, and trade credits. And its been fun, but absolutely nothing adds up to the education I have recieved by living my life to the fullest. One of the most important things I have ever learned is that yes, after tragedy, you can in fact learn to laugh again. You will rise from the sorrow and find a new appreciation for life. You can live through anything, do anything, and be anyone you want to be. Just please, dont be a criminal. The prisions all over the world are way too overcrowded as it is.